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About Chance

From 45 mph to couch potato in about 2 seconds flat!!

My mom says I'm a big, beautiful, white couch potato and lovebug.  I'm a 2 year old retired racing greyhound.  My parents decided that greyhounds would be a perfect fit for their family since we are pretty lazy in the house, and don't require a ton of excersize.  In addition, we're pretty docile creatures, and once we've adjusted to retirement, we make really nice pets.  I weigh in at a nice 80 lbs, but you wouldn't know it when I'm curled up like a small dog on the couch.  My half brother-Aaron was also adopted through GEGR, and we met my half sister-Rita and her mom when we went to Greyhounds in Gettysburg in April.  I'm a velcro dog, meaning that I love to be with my people, specifically Jack.  You know, that kid is really good for getting extra food.  When Jack isn't doing anything or is sleeping, I can usually be found right next to my mom.

I raced at Seabrook in New Hampshire, and my racing name was Valid Mark.  In February, I got on a hauler and was taken to Maryland where I then went to a place the hoomans called Greyhound Central.  This was actually the headquarters for our adoption group-Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue based out of Lusby, MD.  I got my nails trimmed, my body washed, microchipped (I already had tattoos in both ears), got deworming medicine and then met what would end up being my forever family.  I went to live with a nice lady named Tracy and her husband and kids for a few weeks before my mom and dad could take me home.  But I've been living with my family since the end of February, and they just love me to bits.

My parents think they're funny

Me and my half-sister Rita

Rita and My matching "I sat in paint" spots on our rears


Following Jack wherever he goes; walks on cool days; trying to sneak into the bed before Mommy can get in and then taking up all of the room; taking Mom's spot on the couch when she gets up to do something (really, I'm just trying to keep it warm for her); rawhides; eyeing up the bunnies in our neighborhood.

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