Hello!!! I am Julia, my parent's beautiful deaf (supposedly) girl. I am almost 6 years old and
considered a mutt colored girl. Mutt isn't a bad thing, it just means that I have no standard color pattern. When
my parents first got me, I was considered to have a panda pattern (white head, rest of body another color-hers was grey),
and now I'm white all over.
I was the first girl and first ferret my parents adopted together. They were strolling through Columbia Mall one
day and stopped in the pet shop. There I was, along with two ferrets. One was a ferret who later came home with
us name Cailin, and the other was an albino one. My playmate was Cailin. Mom and Dad looked at all three of us
and just couldn't decide, well, actually Dad couldn't decide. Mom picked me. Cailin was a runty looking thing,
and Mom didn't like all white ones. So, on home I came.
That night, Mom let me run around the apartment. She went chasing me and I didn't hear her come up behind me.
I was busy checking out Toby's litter box. Well, I saw her out of the corner of my eye, and actually screamed!!
She scared me sneaking up on me like that. That's when Mom figured I might be deaf. Mom did some research and
ferrets with my "panda" coloring as well as some other color patterns have a higher incidence of deafness. So there
it went, Mom had an answer as to why I screamed, and she learned how to train me with my problem. Now I'm a good little
Here's a list of some of my favorites:
Socks, and dirty laundry (I love burrowing through dirty laundry), stealing
socks and hiding them (Mom and Dad actually find it quite funny to watch), grooming myself, and my brothers and sisters.
I also like to dig at the carpet. Mom scruffs me and yells at me for it, but she forgets, I don't hear her!!!!
I'm a ferret, I dig, she should know that by now. I love giving kisses to my parents, and love to be held and loved.
Oh yeah, I LOVE to sleep.
Oh, I almost forgot-I like to nip on toes and feet to get my parents attention to play with me.