I am somewhere between 9 and 11 years old, however, if you ever saw me excited, happy, or outside running about, you'd
guess I'm more in the area of 5 years old. I am a nice brown/black color, and I'm a corgi/chow mix if you can only imagine
how that happened. I have short, stumpy (as my mom calls it) legs, and a big, furry tail, and lots of fur all over me.
My job in the family is welcoming everyone home from work or where ever they've been, and I do a pretty good job of begging
for food as well.
No one really knows where I grew up or what my life was like before Mom. She adopted me from the Howard County
Animal Shelter the day I was supposed to be "put down" whatever that means. You see, I was picked up for jumping into
some lady's yard. I was severely underweight when I was brought into the shelter. My mom called the Friday before
Easter in 2001 (she saw my picture on their website), and was told that I had been in the shelter for 2 months and was due
to be put down on Monday since no one had even put an application in on me or even looked at me. Everyone just looked
me over. I was scared and alone. Mom told them not to let anyone touch me, she'd been looking for a corgi to adopt,
and I was a corgi mix. She came to meet me that Monday, and her roommate-Rick at the time came to look at me too.
They said I could go home with them. Wednesday I went to the vet's to get "fixed" and that night, my new mom came to
take me home. I weighed 19 pounds.
That night, my mom walked me around the apartment and took off my leash. I didn't go out of her bedroom.
She put my leash back on and walked me around the apartment and took off the leash in each room. I wouldn't leave the
rooms she left me in. Then she broke out the treats. Mmmmmm. I wasn't allowed to get on furniture where
I was before, but Mom, she wanted me to be hers, and be part of the family. Now, even when she doesn't want me on furniture,
I'm there. Oops on her. I now weigh a healthy 33 pounds and I'm not scared of much anymore (just people I don't
know and most dogs since I get attacked all the time).
Update-Our wonderful best boy Wolfie ran away from Archie's parent's apartment on Mother's Day this year. Along
with us, his grandparents on Archie's side as well as his Grandmom on my side, Archie's brother and sister-in-law, niece
and nephew all searched for him from about noon when he ran out of the apartment until 9:30 that night. We posted fliers
everywhere after we hadn't been able to locate him for hours. People said that they'd seen him run across Rossville
Blvd and into the woods, but if anyone got near him to help him, he'd run further. We searched the woods as best we
could but they led out to I-95 and it was fenced off at that point, so we figured he'd have to go into the neighborhoods around
the woods. We searched the neighborhoods and spoke with people outside, and no one had seen him. It was raining
that night.
I got up the next morning and decided to go look for him. The phone rang and a man asked if we were Wolfie's owners.
I said yes, and thought, Thank God someone found him. He continued to say that he worked for the state highway administration
and had passed what he thought was a fox, but that he'd seen a collar so he backtracked and had found Wolfie at the on ramp
from I-95 to 695 in Essex. It wasn't far from Archie's parent's apartment. Just through the woods we'd been searching,
over 695 in both directions and across half of the merge ramp. Had he just made it through that, he'd not been hit,
at least that time.
We gathered him up, stiff as he was, put him in the backseat and drove him to my mom's to bury him in the backyard.
We laid him to rest about 24 hours after our search began for him. He had a beautiful bouquet of flowers placed graveside
and before we had placed him in the ground we made molds of his paws like we'd always wanted to but had never had the chance
to do, and we made a block that will be his gravestone that told him how much we love and miss him.
The last couple of days have been so hard without him. Last night I went out to say goodnight before I left my
mom's and I just wanted to have him with me one last time to cuddle on the couch and watch tv, to sleep in bed with me when
Archie's working, to give me those stinky kisses of his. Archie misses him as much as I do, and neither of us are taking
it very well. We buried him yesterday, I visited again last night, we visited this morning when Arch got home, and tomorrow
evening Archie's parents are going to go with us to visit him again.
We miss you so much Wolfie dog, and love you more than you'll ever know. We're so sorry it ended the
way it did. We take comfort in knowing that you are safe in heaven and healed from your injuries, running around like
the happy boy you were. We hope you're getting lots of cheese from the Big Man up there, and lots of car rides too.
We won't say goodbye as that hurts too much, just that we'll see you again soon. We Love you Stumpy-Your Mom and Dad
and loving family

Wolfie's first puppy cut about a year ago

Wolfie dog sleeping on the couch-April 2006

Soft ear flipped up, still didn't hear the camera turn on, LOL!


Oh My Gosh!!! They've been taking pictures of me!! I have to get out of here before they ruin my reputation,
Here's a list of some of my favorites:
Going for walks, rides, and playing with my girl Olivia. Cheese is my favorite treat, what I won't do for cheese!!!!!!
I love cleaning Mom and Dad's plates when they're finished eating. I'm not much for toys and never really learned how
to play with them, but I do love to wrestle and play with my parents on the floor.
I love when Mom and Dad go away because then I get to stay with Dad's parents and they love on me, and give me rice and
cornbeef (I trick them into it by not eating my food). Tita Jeni is also pretty cool, she likes to take me places
and for walks. I really like her. I like when Grandma and Aunt Holly and Ben visit too, but I haven't seen Aunt
Holly and Ben in a while. Mom said something about them moving far away. I hear her on the phone sometimes.
I don't get it, if she isn't there, how can I hear her??????
Here's a list of some of my dislikes:
Cameras, flashlights, anything with lights to be honest, Grandma's dog Jack
(he always beats me up), squeaky toys, and ferrets who like to bite my ankles!!!!