My name is Charlie and I am Mom's second ferret. I am currently a scrawny, weak looking little
guy, but that's ok, I'm really not weak. Usually I'm a beautiful sable ferret like Frankie, although I have to say that
I look more silver in color than Frankie. I have sweet, expressive eyes according to Mom. I usually have a great
coat, right now it's sort of mink like, not nice and full, but it sure is soft.
I was also around before our Dad came into our lives. Mom got me about a month after she got
Frankie. She said that Frankie did a number on her, and she just had to get him a playmate. I guess you can say
that I was where the ferret math really started come into play.
Mom brought me home right before she left for her cruise after graduating from nursing school.
Frankie couldn't be lonely while Mom was away. Anyway, Mom fell hard. I could just look into her eyes and make
her pick me up. It's like telepathy, she could just read my mind...yeah, ok.
Anyway, Frankie and I quickly became friends. Afterall, trouble loves company. Mom worries
about me alot. I go back and forth between feeling like I'm a healthy weight and feeling like a feather. I look
pretty scrawny right now, but everytime Mom takes me to the vet he says I'm fine. Who knows. I act ok. I
still run around and take my snakes from Mom and hide them. But do you know what I get for being a scrawny boy?
Duck soup, oh yes, duck soup. No duck in it, it's just what it's called, but it's used for sick fuzzies or for ones
that need some extra calories. Can I just tell you how much I love duck soup?????????? It's my favorite.
I can eat, eat, and EAT!!!
Oh sweet Charlie boy. He passed away earlier this year (2009) after a late diagnosis of probable adrenal disease.
Until the end, he had his fur, it was the mass in his belly that we had checked out by the vet which took up most of his abdomen
that caused us alarm. He was an older ferret, and thus we opted for comfort measures as opposed to surgery. Charlie,
we loved you so much, especially Momma and Jack. Your brothers and sisters miss you greatly, but I'm glad you had time
to say goodbye. I hope you have found Frankie, Toby and Wolfie and are tearing around up there with lots of Rik-E-Tik-E's.
Thank you for being such a sweet and lovey boy. You always were so sweet. I miss your little kisses on my eyebrows.
Run free and dook loudly sweet boy. We love you and we'll see you again someday.
I'm Momma's boy (she won't admit in front of us she has a favorite, but she's told me I am) |