Jen and Archie's Website

About Toby (The Fat Cat)

Oh yeah, I'm fat.

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I am an 11 year old tabby cat.  My mom has had me since I was 8 weeks old.  Grandmom got me and my sister Cuddles for my mom and Aunt Holly.  Mom says my "Gotcha Day" or day I went to live with them was April 15, 1994.  I am grey and white, big and fat.  For a living, I just lay around, go to the bathroom a lot, and of course, eat a lot.  Come on now, I didn't get fat by starving myself.  I have a figure to maintain.

Not much to me, I love attention.  No matter how much I get, I don't think I get enough.  Mom and Dad always tell me I stink, but you know what, I don't mind the smell....
NOTE:  Our beloved Toby passed away recently.  He has been buried next to Wolfie who will watch out for him over the Rainbow Bridge.  He was 13 years old and had been having some weight loss.  He passed the night before he was scheduled to have a full battery of blood tests done.  He crossed the bridge on September 27, 2007.

Doing what I do best-lounging around


Here's a list of some of my favorites:

Catnip, getting loved on, FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and sleep. 

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