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About Sammy (Monster Man)

I'm THE Champion!!!

My mom keeps telling Dad that all of her chidren are champions, but Daddy just calls me the champion.  Anyway, I am a 5.5 year old roan colored boy ferret, and I'm pretty big.  That's where the name Monster Man came from.  When Mom and Dad saw me in the pet store in White Marsh Mall and fell in love with me in June 2004, that was one of the first things they noticed-how huge my paws were.  Mom said that meant that I was going to be huge, they though bigger than the other weasels they already had.  Well I'm big ok, but I'm not the biggest, I just weigh the most out of "the original five" and I'm the most rough and tumble of the bunch. 
I got the name "Champion" because at the first ferret show Mom and Dad took us to, I won first place in two of the three rings for the Companion Class.  That was last December.  Since then, I've won first in the Roan Specialty (for my coloring) at the Monster Mash this past October, and I won 6th place in one of the Companion Class Rings at that show as well.  I've done the best of everyone so far in our household at the shows.
I am "the boy" because of my very sweet face-let's be honest, Mom and Dad can't resist it.  They walk in the door and who is looking out of the cage waiting to be picked up-ME!!  Mom cleans out our litterboxes and walks back and forth around the living room and who follows her all around the cage waiting to come out and looking at her with longing eyes-ME!!!  Who's always the first out of the cage for lovin' or coming out for playtime-ME!!!  Who gets the least amount of sleep because I'm always on the lookout for attention-ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Above-Sammy looking for trouble.  Right Above-Sammy as a baby.  Right-Sammy resting his head on Mommy as a baby.




Here's a list of some of my favorite things to do:

Be the lookout guy-always on the lookout for attention.
Climb-I like to climb on the couch, up the cages, out of the playpen, up the entertainment center...
Wrestle with Frankie and Toulouse.
Woo Mom and Dad with my cute, little, beady eyes.
Woo Grandmom with my cute, little beady eyes.  :-)

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